DACCP Modules for Paediatric Chiropractors

Attendance to repeat modules requires completion of an accredited Chiropractic Paediatric program listed by the ACCP. You may be asked to provide a copy of your program details for eligibility to attend a repeat module. If you are not eligible, a refund will be provided.

ACCP Members are eligible for a discount. Discount codes are available on the ACCP Slack channel.

Each Module attracts 6 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Module 1 - See city for dates

Module 1

The paediatric case history: subluxation indicators
Neural plasticity and normal neurological development
Physical development issues: chiropractic management
1. Growth and development of the infant and child
2. Micro and macrocephaly
3. Plagiocephaly
Pain in children

Available until 11/4/2020

Module 2 - See city for dates

Module 2

Serious Illness in Infants and Children
1. Failure to thrive
2. Referral criteria (red flags)
3. Childhood tumours
4. Serious illness, Dehydration and Fever

1. Jaundice and Prematurity
2. Newborn history assessment
3. Newborn neurological evaluation
4. Newborn orthopaedic issues
5. Newborn chiropractic technique

Available until 11/4/2020

Module 3 - See city for dates

Module 3

Basic spinal assessment and listing system
1. Spinal Biomechanics in Paediatrics
2. The use of listings in Paediatrics
3. Principles of motion palpation
4. Compensation patterns and postural distortions

Principles of adjusting in Paediatrics

The Logan Basic adjustment

Available until 6/6/2020

Module 4 - See city for dates

Module 4

Lumbo-pelvic Spine syndromes
1. Scoliosis
2. Low Back Pain
3. Lumbar spine syndromes: diagnosis and management

Lumbo-pelvic spinal assessment and adjustment in children - Basic

Available until 6/6/2020

Module 5 - See city for dates

Module 5

Cervical Spine syndromes
1. Cervical spine syndromes: correction and management issues
2. Headaches
3. Torticollis
4. Dysphagia

Cervical spine assessment and adjustment in children - Basic
1. Chiropractic cervical spine assessment
2. Chiropractic cervical spine adjusting

Available until 1/8/2020

Module 6 - See city for dates

Module 6

Paediatric extremity syndromes
1. Hip disorders
2. In-toeing/ out-toeing
3. Limp
4. Shoulder disorders: correction and management issues
5. Brachial plexus injuries
6. Pulled elbow
7. Wrist disorders in children

Paediatric extremity subluxation assessment and adjustment - Basic

Available until 1/8/2020

Module 7 - See city for dates

Module 7

Neurological assessment of the infant
1. Neurological examination of the infant (Infanib)
2. Motor issues: diagnosis and chiropractic management
a. Gross motor developmental delay
b. Hyper/ hypotonia
c. Cerebral palsy

Available until 3/10/2020

Module 8 - See city for dates

Module 8

Neurological assessment of the pre-schooler and the school aged child
1. Gross motor function
2. Fine motor function
3. Cerebellar function
4. Assessment of higher cognitive functions
5. Visual processing
6. Auditory processing
7. Language development

Syndrome management
1. Auditory processing syndromes
2. Visual processing syndromes

Available until 3/10/2020

Module 9 - See city for dates

Module 9

Irritable Baby Syndrome (Colic)
1. Subluxation
2. Cow’s milk protein allergy
3. Reflux
4. Lactose intolerance
5. Coeliac disease
6. Pyloric stenosis
7. Intussusception
8. Urinary tract infection
9. Overtired baby
10. Hungry baby

Available until 21/11/2020

Module 10 - See city for dates

Module 10

The child’s immune system
1. Development of the fetal, infant and child’s immune system
2. Th1, Th2 and Th17 immune responses
3. Bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in children
4. Childhood allergies
5. Skin lesions in children
6. Case management

Available until 21/11/2020

Module 11 - See city for dates

Module 11

The child’s ear, nose and throat
1. Acute otitis media
2. Chronic otitis media
3. Serous otitis media
4. Nose and throat issues with children
5. Tonsillitis, epiglottitis, coup and neck abscesses

Available until 7/3/2020

Module 12 - See city for dates

Module 12

The Child’s Respiratory System
1. Assessment
2. Bronchitis
3. Bronchiolitis
4. Asthma
5. Reactive Airways Disease
6. Foreign Bodies
7. Cystic fibrosis
8. Pneumonia

Available until 7/3/2020

Module 13 - See city for dates

Module 13

Autism, ADHD, behavioural and sleep issues in children
1. Autism spectrum and Asperger’s
2. Hyperactivity and Attention deficit disorders
3. Sleep disorders and bedwetting
4. Subluxation neurology: clinical management of cerebellar function in children

Available until 24/4/2020

Module 14 - See city for dates

Module 14

Advanced paediatric neurology
1. Seizures, epilepsy and syncope
2. Cerebral palsy
3. Neuromuscular disorders in children
4. Autonomic dysfunction; assessment and management
5. Cerebral and cerebellarhemisphericity; assessment and management
6. Vestibular dysfunction; assessment and management

Available until 24/4/2020

Module 15 - See city for dates

Module 15

Paediatric Spinal Assessment - Advanced
1. Top five common cervical pitfalls
2. Top five lumbo-pelvic pitfalls
3. Thoracic spine assessment and adjustments
4. Contraindications to care
5. Side-effects literature
6. Paediatric case presentation

Available until 20/6/2020

Module 16 - See city for dates

Module 16

Paediatric extremity assessment - Advanced
Review of basic subluxation assessment and review of full extremity examination.
Working with podiatrists and orthotists
Case based conditions of the lower extremities
1. DDH: advanced
2. Hip infections and inflammations
3. Overview and approach to less common conditions
4. The swollen knee, knee pain, and patella-femoral issues
5. Foot and heel pain
6. Common fractures, tumors and infections of the lower limb.

Case based conditions of the upper extremities
1. Brachial plexus injuries: advanced.
2. Overview and approach to less common conditions
3. Common fractures, tumors and infections of the upper limb

Available until 20/6/2020

Module 17 - See city for dates

Module 17

Genitourinary Systems
1. Urinary tract infections
2. Nephritis/nephrosis

Adolescent Health
1. Back pain
2. Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis
3. Adolescent Kyphosis
4. Psychological disorders (depression, anxiety, eating disorders)
5. Obesity and overweight
6. Dysmenorrhoea
7. Injuries of adolescence
8. Behavioural disorders
9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Available until 15/8/2020

Module 18 - See city for dates

Module 18

Paediatric radiology and traumatology
1. Normal development of the paediatric spine
2. Trauma management in paediatrics
3. Child abuse; recognition and management

Available until 15/8/2020

Module 19 - See city for dates

Module 19

Paediatric nutrition and Gastro-intestinal issues
1. Breastfeeding epidemiology and physiology
2. Breastfeeding difficulties
3. Maternal diet when breastfeeding
4. Introducing solids
5. The “neurodevelopment diet” in the early years
6. Additives, food chemicals…..
7. Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, Hirschsprung’s disease

Available until 3/10/2020