About Chiropaeds
Chiropaeds is Australia’s largest and main provider of post-graduate paediatric education for chiropractors. Established in 2002, Chiropaeds has been delivering a 1 year post-graduate Certificate program in paediatrics to chiropractors throughout Australia since 2005 and a Fellowship in Chiropractic Paediatrics program since 2002. Since 2013 we are pleased to be able to offer a world leading two year post-graduate Diplomate of Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics.
Based in Melbourne with two paediatric only clinics and five chiropractors whom only see children, your presenters are able to bring an unequalled wealth of knowledge and experience to our paediatric programs. The Certificate program and Diplomate program are presented by Dr Braden Keil, Dr Christian Fludder, Dr Jenelle Bourgeois and Dr Christine Lang with Dr Melissa Neave in charge of our tutors and online learning.