Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP)
/The Diplomate of the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics, presented by Chiropaeds, is eligible for government funding for certain circumstances:
The HWSP offers two types of funding:
• Scholarships: A payment up to $10,000 per year, for up to two years, toward the cost of completing a postgraduate course leading to a postgraduate qualification
• Bursaries: A payment up to $10,000 (maximum of $10,000 in total in one year) for professional development and up skilling course fees and associated accommodation and travel-related expenses
To be eligible for the Scholarship Program applicants must meet the following criteria:
• Health professionals in the fields of medicine, nursing or allied health, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers.
• Provide services or intend to provide services to MMM 3-7 locations. (Please see DoctorConnect to check your MMM location.
• Not be employed solely by the Queensland Government, including the State Health Department (e.g. employed in a public hospital).